Vintage lunchboxes (The Munsters, The Partridge Family, Star Wars, etc.) that used to contain a lovingly made PB&J, chips and money for a carton of milk have sadly become part of our history.
But, the past is the past and so, we look forward.
Fortunately, bag lunches have come a long way, and are continually evolving to meet the needs of our hectic working-day lives.
Computers were supposed to make our lives easier, result in the paperless office and allow us more leisure time. What has happened, however, is that technology has morphed our activities, tasks and expectations into a dizzying frenzy clocking in at warp speed. There is more paper in our offices than ever before (for backup) and as human beings, we race to catch up with the daily demands this speed has imposed upon us. As everything has amped up, the dollars become harder to chase and there exists increased pressure on everyone to become more productive.
Evolutionarily speaking, we were meant to hunt, gather, cook and dine in the outdoors, not stay seated for seven hours staring into computer screens.
So much for that.
One thing has not changed, however, and that is our need to eat while at work. The amount of mental and physical energy that is expended in the average workday is tremendous and by the time the noon hour rolls around, well, we are famished.
Workers in the modern American workplace, be it an office, a factory, machine shop or retail store, are supposed to take a few minutes to eat, decompress and regain energy. In some states, it is a law.
But even that necessity has changed.
“Let’s do lunch,” that inspired phrase of the 1980s has nearly disappeared among the average worker. USA Today reported recently that an estimated 65% of workers eat lunch at their desks. Even executives, for whom money is often not an issue, are enjoying fewer sit-down lunches in full-service restaurants. Eating establishments report a steady increase in the number of carry-out lunches ordered. And more, like our staff at 700 South Deli, have responded to this lifestyle change by providing an innovative variety of Bag Lunch menu options from which to choose.
Our staff at 700 South Gourmet Deli understand your workday is harder, longer and more stressful than it’s ever been and there is no sign of that slowing down. If anything, your world of work will get faster and more demanding. If you must remain at your desk during the lunch hour, or even if you just have a few minutes to grab a bite, let us help with a fresh, delicious, nutritious and reasonably-priced bag lunch so you can stay focused and energized through the afternoon.